A Special Day

Sometimes the days are perfect. Sunshine, interesting places, nice company... and the camera. No need for anything else; everything is pure harmony.

It is exciting to explore places you've already seen, but there's always something different and surprising waiting for you there. It's the time when you feel that things are in a place, when nothing is missing, when the day is rich just because it is the way it is...

Anywhere I'd go with Vladka, I would love in. Nevertheless, we choose a place which stirs our imagination, takes our minds back to the old, mysterious times and enriches our inner selves. We went to Žiče near Slovenske Konjice.

We've chosen a glorious silence. Behind thick walls, we didn't find closed, darkrooms, on the contrary! A soft grass under our feet, clear skies above our heads, and tired walls talked about life in a distant past, and wide open doors invited us to enter a magical mysterious world.

Although the old Gothic cathedral propagated behind the silence, it was not difficult to imagine the sounds of coral singing, sometimes echoed from the high walls. Certainly they were 'close to heaven' when the monks in white gathered in the church and left the sublime vibrations of sounds. Heavenly sounds, heavenly melodies...

The walls didn't stop us from exploring the old monastery. In fact, our cameras sang cheerfully because of our enthusiastic views on different colored stones and remains of walls. How many times the walls were touched already, how many views the majestic architecture has conceived?

It was a nice day, a special day. The one you don't forget. The one that echoes in your heart.

When I look at the photos that emerged in our wandering, I see Vladka right beside me...I hear her story of her life. And I hear how sounds of our digi-cameras create a new melody, our own melody.

It was a special day, a nice day...

Too short... We will have to do it again :).

Do you want to know how Vladka has seen and experienced our day? Then you have to jump to her blog Ustvarjalna skrinja and let yourself into her hands.
