Amazing silence

Life has its own ways...

Lately, mine are better than I've expected them to be. Many times I'm feeling like riding a roller-coaster and feeling tired after the ride, but the gifts I receive on this journey leave me speechless. Amazed...
Meeting new people, shiny people..., being inspired by beautiful nature..., doing what my soul loves to do... 

So, my friends, I'm sorry to be quiet here for such a long time. My Life needs some time to settle down, to let me speak loud again, to share my thoughts with you...
At the moment I'm still in the phase of listening. And clicking. And changing. Just me and the perfect World. Everything else needs to wait a little bit.

I hope to come back to 'you' as soon as possible, with fresh news, fresh ideas, fresh me. I hope you'll still be there, sharing with me your thoughts and opinions, your bits and pieces of your life.

Thank you for your patience and faithfulness. Until then... all the best.