Posts filed under photography

Great escapes

The theme of photoproject 'Beauty is where you find it' (#BIWYFI) in February was: Escape daily routine.

I should first admit that my biggest escape happened on that day, when I packed my bags and escaped to Austria. Many holidays that I’ve spent over the years in Austria leaded me to the place, where I said: I want to live here. And here I am.

When you find your place under the Sun, which means everything to you, it is not hard to find also the ‘thing’ that pulls you away from the daily routine.

My (great) escapes out of daily routine, away from loud kids, away from action, alarming state…, are to be found in nature. Between the mountains and the lake. Here I feel safe, here I feel wonderful. 

Every day nature shows a new face, that inspires me. Every day I’m looking forward to my little great escapes. Every day I’m thankful for every moment I spent here, where my heart sings. And this year, February was unbelievably giving, unforgettable!

I really hope that your escapes from daily routine are inspiring, refreshing and unforgettable too. And if not (yet), listen to the whispers inside you, pack your ‘bags’ and take the time off. You won’t regret it!

(Or check the link above and get inspired by different kinds of escapes that all the photoproject’s participants shared on that blog).


Today is a day when we put everything in kids' hands here. What a day! Great excitement, laughter, jostling, running here and there, not a second in stillness.

It is interesting to observe how with putting on a costume and mask something new wakes up inside of the kids. Even the most calm and dreamy kids become wild and can't control themselves anymore.

At drama therapy they 'play' with different personalities most of the time, but at art therapy we try to collect information at the events like this one. Everything develops in a great speed, so it is a hard work as we need to be careful to stay focused and not to get soaked into the tornado too.

If you have problems with your kids, it's a good day today to observe them from a different perspective and see what else is hiding inside them. But you have to be careful to not be fooled by the mask's surface. Don't focus on its surface, instead observe, what the mask brings out of your child's personality.

It is a difficult task, I know, but it's worth it. However, don't forget to have fun today as well, laugh a lot and be creative. Let it be a day of new realizations. Enjoy!


Today is dedicated to you. I hope you had a heartful, warm and pleasant day. Mine was. It will stay in my heart for sure.

I wish we would more often open our hearts truly. Not because of the Valentine's Day, but maybe because of this: 'To the world you are one person, but to one person you could be the world.' (- Albert Einstein)

Winter cocooning

'Beauty is where you find it', they say and that's how a monthly photo-project by Nic is called as well. I really do believe that we can find beauty everywhere if we open wide our eyes and hearts.

The word 'cocooning' has a special meaning in the world where I live. Working with kids I'm daily faced with all kinds of forms of cocoons. Little tents in the corners, secret spaces under the blankets, everywhere-you-go soft toys snuggles... I love how creative the kids are in 'nesting', be it a tree or in a tiniest room in the house. And have you noticed how transformed the kids are after coming back from their sacred space?!
Winter is a perfect time for practicing cocooning. Making yourself warm in a cozy place (no matter how old you are) is a precious gift to yourself. So, although not soft and snuggly, I find even the firewood in front of the house a great reminder and a symbol of taking the time for myself. What I'm trying to say - no matter what's your way of cocooning, take your time for it and give it a try! Enjoy!


PS: find all the #BIWYFI2015 photo/word inspirations for the January word: 'Cocooning' here.    


If I had chosen a word for this year, it would have been: simplify.

That's a whisper I hear from Nature when I try maneuvering through our chaotic life. I think, the more you learn and the more you know, the more you come to the situation when you have to choose. Choose how you want to live, what to say, what to do and how you want to do it.

It is absurd how many things we have to choose from, but it is so hard to find 'the right one' for us. It is absurd, how many theories and news we hear daily, but there's hardly one to believe or trust. It's hard to tell what illusion is and what not. 

So, it is time to simplify. And, yes, it is that simple!

In the movie 'Power of One' it was said: 'You'll find all the answers in nature'. So, go away from daily dramas served by the media, and seek the answers to your questions in the nature. Her answers are short, clear and simple. Yes, it is that simple!

Wishing you simplified days!