Posts filed under children

What is school

Watching the past times brought back to life, watching the kids dressed up like in the old times... I wonder who loved learning more...

Is going to school nowadays a privilege or burden? Is it a joy or a modern torture?

Do we cherish the gift of learning or not?

School is so much more than just a school. It is a box of knowledge, mystery, excitement, interesting stories that can help us grow, full of teachers as role models, school-friends as social network to challenge our emotions and believes, pleasant or unpleasant environment, noisy and calming moments, freedom and limitations. 

School is so much more than it was years ago, but we get stuck focusing on little things and get lost before noticing how many oportunities we can find in school for learning and experiencing great lessons for life.

How about if we start this school-year differently? Let's step back, learn from the past and look at the school from a distance to see the whole picture, to see the greater meaning of school - all of us: the kids, the teachers and the parents.

Enjoy the journey and keep calm!


Today is a day when we put everything in kids' hands here. What a day! Great excitement, laughter, jostling, running here and there, not a second in stillness.

It is interesting to observe how with putting on a costume and mask something new wakes up inside of the kids. Even the most calm and dreamy kids become wild and can't control themselves anymore.

At drama therapy they 'play' with different personalities most of the time, but at art therapy we try to collect information at the events like this one. Everything develops in a great speed, so it is a hard work as we need to be careful to stay focused and not to get soaked into the tornado too.

If you have problems with your kids, it's a good day today to observe them from a different perspective and see what else is hiding inside them. But you have to be careful to not be fooled by the mask's surface. Don't focus on its surface, instead observe, what the mask brings out of your child's personality.

It is a difficult task, I know, but it's worth it. However, don't forget to have fun today as well, laugh a lot and be creative. Let it be a day of new realizations. Enjoy!

I love books

Don't you think that the best gift for the book lovers would be a beautiful bookmark in the shape of heart? We made one!

That kind of a bookmark you can create for everyone whom do you hear saying: 'I love books. I love to read.'

It is a practical gift and a little, beautiful surprise. Everyone will love it!

And for the less pessionate book lovers... you can create the bookmarks from our yesterday's post :). The important thing is that you take some time for creating and to share your created works with people, dear to you, don't you think?

Have a lovely, creative day!

Cultural hour

In Slovenia we celebrate Cultural Day tomorrow. So that's a good excuse to be 'cultural' and take a cultural hour for yourself and your creating. What first comes on my mind (because we remember our famous poet Prešeren on this day) are books (with their special scents), then bookmarks, then letters and after that all the other (official) 'cultural' things.

So, why not creating something in an hour? How about creating some simple and unique bookmarks?

You can write an initial letter of the owner of a bookmark on the top and decorate it. And on the rest of the bookmark, you can write (your) thought, quote, poem, part of the book that you like the most and you want to have it always near you.

That's how our experiments turned out in red ink (for Irene, Zara and Nicolas)...
How about yours?


Everyone is someone. Everyone lives their own story; everyone walks through life as a student in his own school. What do you think about others? Colleagues, unknown people, co-workers, good friends, relatives, faces on tv? Everyone is someone.

Giving thanks, giving gifts No. 6: everyone.

I see people around me as my teachers. They can always teach me something for my life, no matter if they are kids with whom I work with, their parents, people I know or not. Especially kids teach me a lot about values, dreams, big goals, patience, curiosity, openness, trust; and more and more. In the world of adults there's a lot covered by veil of fear from vulnerability. We protect ourselves from the others so that we lock ourselves in our own cage and limit ourselves to discover new world.  

Therefore my wish for you today is, that the holiday season brings back to you your trust into the others, and the understanding that we can learn new from everyone, even our enemies.


PS: you can freely share my gifts (photos in my December posts) further. If you can’t save them from this website, you can save/share them via my FB page: CreatissimoLab FB page. I’m looking forward to celebrate this time with you!