Scents like culture

Whenever I hear the word culture, the first thing that comes on my mind is a book: especially that kind of a book that was used a lot, read million times, with the inviting scent and selected with a great care. The loveliest is the one, written by hand, decorated, colorful and irreplaceable...

I love the books because I can create my own visions, my own 'movies' when reading them; besides, I can find interesting words, sentences, thoughts in them with which I can play in my mind or on paper far after the book has been read. With books I can freely use my own imagination and give it wings. My way!

Today it was a Cultural day in Slovenia. How would I like to spend a Cultural day (or every day)? Absolutely among the scenting books in a big library and maybe even with a lovely surprise like this one - with my favourite music, in joyfulness and spontaneousness...:

We should have used our creativity and imagination more often and let them take us into their own direction, don't you think? We should have jumped into creative flow more often and with more courage...

What would be your favourite way of celebrating the Cultural day?

Our dark side

We all have some good days and some bad days... How do you handle your bad days? Are you angry at yourself, do you simply ignore them or do you 'sit in the corner waiting that bad things disappear'?

Sometimes I'm really upset when dark clouds come (unannounced) and put my energy level down and the mood. Ok, I know that we wouldn't admire the stars if there were no dark nights to make the stars shine..., but sometimes even positive thinking doesn't work for me.

However, sometimes I'm prepared and then I try to use my creative imagination and play with my dark side until it is not bright again. I explore what we can create together: a B&W drawing, a magical box with a hidden treasure inside, a (dark) selfy with my camera... When playing with my dark side, I forget about what really bothers me, I put it on the paper and live it there... Sometimes, at art therapy, we have a process to burn the created work, but I prefer to transform it into something that I like instead. I take it as a lesson in my life, so I don't want to burn it to make it disappear.

So, why not make something creative or special with your darker side as well; instead of denying it or torturing yourself with it?? Look what you can do with your shadow, which is in a way a symbol of our darker side...

Just be who you are, be creative and may your dark side be an opportunity to express yourself in a special, unique way!

With spirit

There are places with the spirit..., no matter how many people come there, no matter how many confusing thoughts cross the air, no matter what you do there...

The spirit is powerful, pure, eternal.

I love to visit that kind of places, I love to come back and check the energy there. I like to observe people and their reactions when the spirit touches their hearts. What a magic, what a joy!!

I'm glad that the powerful spirit selects some special places on Earth and desides to tame them, no matter what people do or say. Some places should be left in the 'hands' of creative spirit forever!

Have you ever been to any places, tamed by the powerful creative spirit? 

Between you and me...

...there is a story...

No matter where you stand and no matter what you do, you're creating a story between you and somebody/something else.

What words are written on the invisible wall? Is it a happy story, a sad story, a horror one or a comic one? What kind of energy is exchanged between you and somebody else? 

You are the author of the story, so why don't you choose and create a story that fills your life with something that you like. Be creative - today!

Dancing with Cosmos

Here we are, in a new year. New beginnings, fresh ideas, the whole new blank canvas in front of us... What kind of a life will you paint on it?

Have you made any new year's resolutions? Have you chose a word, a mantra that will guide you through this year?...

How about if you just follow the rhythm of the Universe and let go? There are universal patterns everywhere. There is a plan in a 'chaos'. There is you on the right place, in the right time...

Look how wonderful the dance of our Earth and Venus is! (Check out more beautiful orbital patterns here.) And we think the Earth is 'just there'...

Imagine what a beautiful pattern you can create with your lifestyle as well - just dance with the Cosmos and be who you are!

Have a wonderful, special, creative dance through the year 2014!