Creative studio - part 2

...where dreams come true...

It has been a while since you could have read this post about the planning of my creative studio.

Finally you can see some more (- in pictures and words). How my creative studio grew up from a plan to a real creative space - first the cabinets, then table, and then...

Check my kingdom on www Dom in Stil, when you click the link below:

A brief summary:
a) a creative table with the handles, which have many functions (and under the table handcarts with creative stuff: inks, colored pencils, aquarells, modelling materials, decor materials etc.)
b) hidden big ball for sitting (you can only see the handle)
c) hidden magnetic board (behind the corner)
d) small cabinets
e) cabinets with sliding doors (and creative stuff like paper, things for designing, creative and other literature, sketchbooks etc).
f) the open part of a cabinet with things like business folders, canvas, wooden frames, my 'experimental' book etc.

Hm, you might now ask where do I have paints and stamps and screenprinting stuff?? Well, more about that next time, so you better come and visit my blog again!

See Ya!

Posted on October 26, 2010 and filed under about me, creative process, design, misc, my works, published works.